„Anna tulla“ is recorded and mixed by Arne Holm at the „Music Works“ studio, mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at „Studio Kuu“ and produced by Arne Holm and Herald.
Herald are:
Sven Varkel – Vocals
Egert Vandel – Guitars
Tauno Nava – Guitars
Jaan Liinat – Percussions
Mart Veski – Bass
Heralds new album „Γαῖα“ features 12 songs and will be released in late autumn of 2010. The new album will be more dynamic and diverse compared to the older material and this time the lyrics will be only in Estonian. Despite of some changes, Herald is still being faithful to its roots and fans and the music can be described as heavy metal with some thrash and rock touch. New album will contain some fast and some slow songs, some more thrashy and some more melodic metal. Overall message of the band is prophetic covering subjects form this world to the other side: futile Man against ancient forces of the Nature.
Herald has been active since the year 2000 and celebrates their 10th anniversary this year.
You can keep up with our activities at the following sites:
Official website: herald-metal.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/heraldmetal
Myspace: www.myspace.com/heraldmetal
Twitter: twitter.com/svenvarkel
ReverbNation: www.reverbnation.com/herald
Contact for questions, interviews, photos, music samples:
Phone: +37256697201 – Sven Varkel
E-mail: herald@herald-metal.com
Website: http://herald-metal.com/