Herald astub peaesinejana üles festivalil Tartu Kevadrock 2012 20. ja 21. aprillil paneme aluse uuele rockmuusika sündmusele Tartus. Reedel täidab lavalauad korralik Hevi metal ning laupäeval paitab kõrva veidi kergem RokenRoll! Reedel, 20. aprillil astuvad teie ette: HERALD: http://herald.ee/ http://www.facebook.com/heraldmetal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDo2A5QrzI0 WYRM SUB TERRA: http://www.facebook.com/pages/WYRM-SUB-TERRA/210930235646001?sk=app_204974879526524 SINCIRCUS (Itaalia): http://www.myspace.com/sincircus http://www.facebook.com/sincircusthc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROco8Y-I1b8 + DJ Sten-Erik Uffert Laupäeval,… Read Article →
Posts Tagged: estonian metal
Less than a week is left to the biggest metal festival of the year in Estonia – Hard Rock Laager 2011. This year the festival is celebrating its X anniversary! Herald is preparing and rehearsing for that event really well because the elite of the metalfans as well as bands will participate. Herald’s slot at… Read Article →