Less than a week is left to the biggest metal festival of the year in Estonia – Hard Rock Laager 2011. This year the festival is celebrating its X anniversary! Herald is preparing and rehearsing for that event really well because the elite of the metalfans as well as bands will participate. Herald’s slot at… Read Article →
Posts Tagged: mnemic
Vähem kui nädal on jäänud Eesti metali iga-aastase suursündmuse Hard Rock Laagrini. Sel aastal tähistab HRL oma X sünnipäeva. Herald valmistub selleks kontserdiks põhjalikult, sest kohal on ju metalfännide ja -bändide paremik. Heraldi esinemisaeg Mnemicu ning Napalm Deathi vahel, reedel kell 23, on kindlasti üks ürituse paremaid. Seetõttu on see Eesti ainsa tõelise klassikalise heavy-metal bändi… Read Article →
It’s public now – Herald will play at Hard Rock Laager 2011 in Vana-Vigala together with acts like MY DYING BRIDE, Napalm Death, Mnemic and Rotting Christ. You can find more info from these links: http://www.hardrockclub.ee/et/main.php?aken=FOORUM&f=12&t=0 http://www.rada7.ee/?s=f&k=1&id=48584