Laupäeval 23.11.2013 klubis Woodstock/Rockstars HERALD HEAVY METAL WAKES TO BEAST! + külalised Algus: 21.00 Pilet: 5 eur ROCK 2=3!
Posts Tagged: rockstars
Herald’s last public appearence in 2012! Special guests Wyrm Sub Terra. Herald will play all the old gold and a brand new tune which is called appropriately “Silver & Gold”. Be there or Besat will come and get you! Tickets: first hour 3 €, after that 5 € Doors: 21.00 SAKU ROCK 2=3
6. aprillil toimub Tallinnas, klubis Rockstars üritus, kus kuuleb nii Vene, Rootsi kui ka Eesti metalit: HERALD ( est) OLDSCHOOL (rus) DEATH RAY BOOT (swe) +Rock Dj hommikuni! Algus: 21.00 Pilet: 5 eur SAKU 2=3