Heraldi uudised

Esinevad HERALD, Ultima Thule jt. Location Lossiplats 1, 90502 Haapsalu, Estonia About Baltimaade suurim ameerika autode näitus, kokkutulek, kiirendusvõistlus, paraadsõit & hea muusika Email abcs@american.ee Lisainfo http://www.american.ee  

On 21st of May there will be a gig to celebrate the 10th anniversary of MC Madallend. It will take place in Tallinn, at Polümeer factory.  Herald, Taak and others will play there. Herald’s line-up will be special this time, so it’s worth to pay a visit! Summary: Bands that will play: Nevesis Taak Herald… Read Article →

21. mail toimub Tallinnas Polümeeri tehase hoovis MC Madallend 10. juubeli kontsert. Üles astuvad Herald, Taak jpt. Seda kontserti tasub kindlasti külastada, sest Herald esineb seekord veidi ebatavalises koosseisus! Üritus on siis lühidalt selline: Lavale astuvad: Nevesis Taak Herald Kassidele Iirised DJ Aivar Meos Pilet 6€ Üritus algab kell 17.00.

Madallend MC has been in air for 10 years and it needs to be celebrated! Everyone that appreciates good music, motorcycles and the jubilarian – let’s do it togther! Bands on stage: Nevesis Taak Herald Kassidele Iirised Ticket 6€ http://www.madallend.ee/ http://www.myspace.com/nevesisband www.estonianmetal.com/bands/taak http://herald.ee/ http://iirised.blogspot.com/

On Saturday, 26th of March at TAPPER 20:30 Paean 21:30 Crucial Attack 22:30 Nitrous 23:30 HERALD Door open: 7 p.m. Tickets: 5 eur / 3 eur Also check out www.tallinnmusicweek.ee  

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