Bands: Herald Mad Road No More Fridays +DJ The event will take place at MC Madallend HQ, Ülase 15, Tallinnas. Doors a 8 p.m Entrance is FREE and party will last till morning!
Posts Tagged: estonia
Come to Rockstars (Tallinn) to enjoy metal by 3 great bands from Estonia, Russia and Sweden on 6th of April, 2012. HERALD ( est) OLDSCHOOL (rus) DEATH RAY BOOT (swe) +Rock Dj till dawn! Doors: 21.00 Ticket: 5 eur SAKU 2=3
6. aprillil toimub Tallinnas, klubis Rockstars üritus, kus kuuleb nii Vene, Rootsi kui ka Eesti metalit: HERALD ( est) OLDSCHOOL (rus) DEATH RAY BOOT (swe) +Rock Dj hommikuni! Algus: 21.00 Pilet: 5 eur SAKU 2=3
Less than a week is left to the biggest metal festival of the year in Estonia – Hard Rock Laager 2011. This year the festival is celebrating its X anniversary! Herald is preparing and rehearsing for that event really well because the elite of the metalfans as well as bands will participate. Herald’s slot at… Read Article →
Eesti heavy-metal ansamblilt Herald ilmub 1. detsembril 2010 kauaoodatud album “Gaia”. Albumil on 12 lugu, nende seas ka juba varem avaldatud singlid “Tuline teras” ja “Anna tulla”, pakkudes muusikat nii vanadele kui ka uutele Heraldi fännidele. Albumi esitluskontserdid toimuvad 3. detsembril Tallinnas, klubis Tapper ning 11. detsembril Tartus, klubis Rock & Roll Hell. Lisaks on… Read Article →